About Lavender
Romans used Lavender Oil to massage and heal the skin and to repel insects. There are even several references to Lavender in the Bible. The Queen of Sheba offered King Salomon "spike," an early name for Lavender. In France, Lavender Flowers were strewn on the floor to freshen the air and mask stinking smells of the unsanitary streets. In the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I drank 10 cups of Lavender tea a day to ward off headaches and promote her sense of well being. The history of Lavender's benefits is long and well documented.
Use Lavender in your home to freshen the air, bring relaxation, awaken the senses, calm, invigorate or rejuvenate.
Emotion: With antidepressant and sedative qualities, Lavender lifts depression, eases stress and anxiety, useful in overcoming headaches, migraine and insomnia.
Insomnia: The sedative quality of Lavender can induce sleep and may ease problems of insomnia, restlessness and agitation.
Muscular: Lavender is analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic; the oil is good for aches, pains, sprains, cramps and spasms.
Source: Lavender, Nature's Way to Relaxation and Health by Philippa Waring
Romans used Lavender Oil to massage and heal the skin and to repel insects. There are even several references to Lavender in the Bible. The Queen of Sheba offered King Salomon "spike," an early name for Lavender. In France, Lavender Flowers were strewn on the floor to freshen the air and mask stinking smells of the unsanitary streets. In the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I drank 10 cups of Lavender tea a day to ward off headaches and promote her sense of well being. The history of Lavender's benefits is long and well documented.
Use Lavender in your home to freshen the air, bring relaxation, awaken the senses, calm, invigorate or rejuvenate.
Emotion: With antidepressant and sedative qualities, Lavender lifts depression, eases stress and anxiety, useful in overcoming headaches, migraine and insomnia.
Insomnia: The sedative quality of Lavender can induce sleep and may ease problems of insomnia, restlessness and agitation.
Muscular: Lavender is analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic; the oil is good for aches, pains, sprains, cramps and spasms.
Source: Lavender, Nature's Way to Relaxation and Health by Philippa Waring